Reviewed by Nancy Crocker
When Master leaves the Country he enlists another to watch over Brie. This Novella picks up where Brie Faces Her Master's Fears ended. As a reader I at first struggled with this decision. I soon saw the wisdom behind this, with a wolf on the prowl. After reading this novella, I now believe Master made a very wise choice.
For this reader I also felt Brie and Tono's personal relationship grew, but in a way that doesn't interfere with her and Master. Everything about Brie and Tono was special, from having pizza, to demonstrating kinbaku at the training center to telling each other of their love for one another. I felt they were the perfect pairing while Master was away. He was there to help and protect Brie. She helped enlighten him that he needed a more permanent submissive in his life.
Brie continues to grow and learn under another's command with limitations. She also continues to work on her documentary with filming at the training center and interviews with trainers. One demonstration was just breathtaking.One interview raised more questions than answers. What really is behind Ms. Clark and her attitude? What makes her tick? I am sure readers are wondering the same thing.
I just melted when Master called Brie ... His Poem and signing it Love Thane. I also loved that he set up a certain time each day for her to go exercise. Knowing this would help her feel closer with him, especially with a certain new gift. I must say even though I felt many of the things that happened in this novella were needed, Master was sadly missed. Yes we heard from him but for me he was truly MISSED!
5/5 stars