Reviewed by Desere
Loads of woman don't do one night stands, it seems either too dirty or too slutty. Some even think it too dangerous simply because she might just actually fall for the guy after one night and that is beyond her control and will simply just never, ever do!
One such woman is Shey Lopez, but her worst nightmare has just made his appearance or should I say her sexiest, hottest, hunkiest and most delicious dream come to life. Now what is a girl to do, jump the guy and the feelings of possible attachment be dammed? Or walk away and never know if you just made the mistake of your life?
One thing is for sure if this author's character of Calvin Jones was the number one temptation standing in front of me I would be begging to be his number object of affection.
The character of Shey was terrific as the author really touched a lot of real life aspects through her, the same aspects as most woman of today face the" do I or don't I, best sex ever or new man and possibly bad sex " Along with this the character of Shey's emotions were so vivid I could completely feel in touch with her up's and down's, it felt as if I could touch her uncertainties. I loved that she tries so hard to stay true to herself even whilst knowing she is losing the battle.
The character of Calvin was HAWT! But also very complex with emotions of uncertainty, and of course classic hot guy not wanting to be tied down feelings, but realising very soon that he cannot live without Shey. I loved that he not just a hot body, he is one of those hero's that digs to get to the inside of the heroine's mind and her feelings, even going so far as to try and set a bad personal relationship back on the right path.
The backdrop settings and dialogue was all passion, sexy hot, sensual and oh so very kinky! I loved every single minute of this read. I am taking away a message of letting go and for once trying to go after what you need and want is sometimes the best you can do, yes you could get hurt along the way but you might also find the one person that makes you stronger. Also that if you cannot live without someone, then don't, if it is within your reach to get them back, don't waste time go get them!
If you do not like erotica I am going to urge you to read this book anyway, yes it does have swear words, yes there is kink and a lot of it and yes if you are not use to it you might feel a little uncomfortable, but if you focus on the level of intensity the author uses to bring across her characters, the plot and the outcome you will instantly not only fall in love with her writing but with Shey and Calvin , they will stay in your memory for a long time as a couple that will certainly make it and have loads of fun along their path of romance. I am not saying you will switch over to erotica full time after reading this book, but this read will definitely make you wonder what you have been missing.
Join the naughty girls club with this author you will be more than pleasantly turned on, I mean surprised! Bring on number two Aimee, I want more. Awesome read!
5/5 star review
" All he wants is a shot, but is he worth the risk?"