
Brie Visits Master's Italy (After Graduation, #7) by Red Phoenix

Reviewed by Nancy Crocker

Brie Visits Master's Italy (After Graduation, #7)There are a number of author’s that I just cannot wait to read and Red Phoenix is one of them. Especially, her Brie Series. I hate that we are almost finished with Brie After Graduation. There is just one more novella to go, but Red Phoenix is promising that it will be longer than the others. If it is anything like #7 then WOW !!! Fans are in for a treat. So many things happened and in this reader’s opinion, all were fantastic.

We learn a little more about Ms. Clarke and her past but still I want to know what exactly she did to Rytsar. Also loved how Master made Ms. Clarke apologize to Brie. He is so in tune to her emotions.

There is an intense Bullwhip scene with Master and Brie … wowza.

Master and Brie travel to see Brie’s Parents … hehehe … saw that one coming. “Secretly I am hoping to find out her parents are in a BDSM relationship, now that would be hysterical.”

Master and Brie travel to Italy … O.M.G. I cannot even describe what happens there. A woman from Master’s pass has waited for him for 18 years … SAY WHAT !!! Parts were uncomfortable for poor Brie. But I think in the long run it was the best thing that could have happened for Brie and Master; I think it brought them closer together and showed Master where Brie’s heart is. This reader will tell you she was crying like a baby when Master and Brie had their talk.

We also celebrate Brie’s Birthday. There are some humorous moments, and again another shocker with Ms. Clarke and Rytsar.

Please Red, I am asking as a fan … before ending After Graduation answer a few of this readers questions, in the last book. Please … please … PLEASE !

1)                 What the heck did Ms. Clarke really do to Rytsar?
2)                 Are Brie’s Parents accepting after all, and are they into BDSM now?
3)                 Does Master propose to Brie? And make little Brie’s?

I do not want to give too much away but I must put a number of my favorite lines in this review. They are just too meaningful not to mention.

***** Spoiler Alert *****

 “ He was the master of incidental touches-simple contact that could drive a girl wild.”
“ God, I can’t believe he’s making me do this!”
“ I am honored by the depth of your love, babygirl.”
 “ But I will never let you go.”
 “I love you, Thane.”

5/5 stars