We all know the easiest way to avoid pain is to hide, don't get involved with anyone, basically get up do what ever it is you do to get through the day and get back inside your corner, wait for the next day and do it all over again until you are safely back in the box.
Of course this does sometimes have the effect where in doing this the person will go mad. But lucky for us romance fans there is such a thing as books and movies always ending with the good news of such a person being saved in the nick of time.
This is not always the case in real life, but as I said books offer us this perfect ending and therefore I will once again say how very thankful I am for authors!
This was a stunning read, captivating from the start right through till the end. On the edge of your seat passion bubbling till it explodes into a fiery blaze, deep and powerful emotions in desperate need of being faced and a gorgeous romance blossoming against the backdrop of hurt,anger and pain.
The read tells of Charley and how she gets up and goes on each and everyday while making sure she is always in hiding and never gets close to anyone in fear of being hurt. She meets Jude the photographer and suddenly the man she is so consumed with, that she strives to do everything he says. He says strip she sees how fast she can do just that.
But Jude a) never gets involved with models and b) uses all woman and discards them, never form an attachment is his motto.
But with Charley he feels a different set of emotions, he wants her and he needs her. She speaks to his soul like no other. But in keeping with his no model rule he does not act on his feelings, and the story basically becomes about two people who both feel the strong and overpowering emotions between each other driving them so mad with passion they are practically bouncing off the walls with frustration, but out of fear born from the past they both just float along a " I want you but NO I can't have you" street.
Until they are thrown together in a situation where denying the all consuming passion is just no longer possible, but sex is one thing and love is an all together different emotion and soon the story becomes one of a journey these to embark upon to grasp onto the kind of forever happiness we all seek.
The characters were both very well written and I very quickly found myself rooting for them to make it. I loved, loved the intensity of this read. Strong characters, a believable plot and excellent pulling together of all the little here's and there's.
I recommend this read for all fans of romance who like that extra level of heat in their reads, but who also like to walk away with a powerful message of the meaning of life and love found when fear is overcome.
5 star review
" Through the lens he sees his downfall, behind the lens she sees her savior"
**Copy provided by the author in exchange for a honest review
Reviewed by Nas
BEHIND HIS LENS by author R. S. Grey is a December 2013 release.
Charley Whitlock and Jude Anderson has scorching chemistry! I loved the story. High tension, drama and sexual chemistry off the charts.
Only thing that threw me a bit was the first person narrative, which probably I'm not used to. But that's me.
The author, R. S. Grey tells this story superbly.
**ARC received from author in exchange for an honest review**