So this is book two from the world wide phenomenon an I must again first off start by saying that it is again like book one filled with lots of kinky sex and some woman will shout out " Why the hell would I let a guy do that to me?" and again with the ever surprising Mr. Grey being full of kink and making readers go " WTF?". But for me it again came down to it being a journey of love. And the wild sex? Well let's just say each his own, it if keeps the spark in your relationship alive then enjoy!
Now that I have that out of the way let's get down the business. For those that have read book one , you will know that book one ended rather abruptly and it was the moment where millions of readers went" Huh? That 's it? Why, why why!!" Of course we all know why, because good books always have cliffhanger ending and of course I could not wait to get back into it, not for the crazy sex because again it works for some but for me not so much.
I was more interested to find out how the romance journey will continue and oh my gosh I was not disappointed. Because this book was so much more than book one, I bawled my eyes out ! During book one I cringed and I had plenty of " Really!?" moments but with this one, I had a box of Kleenex at all times and for the full two days I looked like I had lost my best friend, red puffy eyes and the mask of heartache plastered all over my face.
Of course I am not going to go into detail as to why all the crying because that would honestly ruin the book for anyone interested or brave enough to read it. I know of quite a number of readers that have said they want to read the series but worry about what others will think of them, that of course is their battle and not mine.
Another thing I loved about this book is that this time the author delved deeper into the psyche of the characters, I felt like I got to know the characters far better than in the first book. And of course Mr. Grey's dark secrets are brought to light this time, all I have to say about that is " Shame poor guy!". There was as I mentioned lots of tears but there was also some great " Oh man's that's so awkward !" moments and had me bursting with laughter.
To sum it up in a nice little ribbon tied bow without revealing too much and spoiling it, I will say this book is a great addition to the series, it's the tale of a remarkable love story filled with many truths of life that in real life most people hide. Even if you hated book one you have to give this one a try, the author delves deeper and it get's a whole lot and I do mean a whole lot more emotional than book one. But of course if you hated book one due to the kinky sex than this most likely again will not be a book you will love, and there's not much to be done about that, everyone has their own taste.
Special thanks to Penguin Random South Africa for the reviewer's copy.
4.5 star review
" Life is about to get darker than before and Mr. Grey is trapped"