Reviewed by Desere
If you have not read book one and two then you will be a little lost in this read. It picks up from the ending of book two and once again takes us on the journey of Gabriel and his beloved Julianne.
This time around their relationship face the toughest challenges yet. Julianne's studies get in the way, an old nemesis is out for revenge and Gabriel's discovery about his parents give a whole new meaning to the the words " Look what I found".
As in the first two books the author once again blew me away with her extremely realistic descriptions it really was as if I could imagine myself being a fly on the wall and touch the characters emotions and crawl right into the middle of their relationship.
And for those of you that have been following this series you will be very happy and over the moon much as I was to hear that we finally get to see what was in the note Julia tore up! And oh my gosh it was such a wow moment it took me more than just a few minutes to come back down to earth and settle my emotions!
I adored how Gabriela and Julianne have also reached the point where when a argument pops up they handle it much more like a been together for a long time couple would instead of very new this will never work relationship. It showed just how much these two have grown since the first two books.
There was quite a few "Wow that did not just happen!" moments in this book, some were good oh so VERY good, but others were so frustrating and ticked me off yet at the same time I knew that this author has a way of bringing it all around and letting me fall in love with the story and the characters all over again.
Series wrap up: I highly recommend this for all fans of the blow me away kind of romance reads. Sexy, passionate, every page filled with the WOW factor and so good you will never be the same again. Trust me after read this series you will forever be seeking this author's books.
She has a way of taking the best of romance scenarios and taking them to a whole new so much better than you ever imagined level if will leave you breathless , and yes I'm serious I more than once stopped breathing in this series, the same as a soapie junkie would when their favorite characters suddenly hits a " No you didn't" moment.
Copy provided by Penguin Book South Africa in exchange for a honest review
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