Reviewed by Desere
All little girls love fairy tales, Snowwhite meets her prince charming after being tricked by her wicked stepmother, Sleeping Beauty gets awakened with a magical kiss and meets her savior.
No matter the tale all woman can think back to their childhood and remember the feeling of elation when that happy ending comes. But all little girls grow up and along with stepping in to the grown up world comes real romance.
I have personally always wondered what my favorite fairy tale heroine, Snowwhite was feeling when she met her prince, instant attraction obviously because they do get married in a matter of three pages, but what about all the other emotions associated with love and lust?
And what about it the story teller had added a little twist? Well I wonder no more, because in this read the authors did an amazing job at taking the everyday fairy tales we all love and transformed them all into fairy tale meets the world of erotica, showing not only the real feelings these fairy tale heroines felt but adding in fabulous twits that gave the stories a life of their very own , far from the ones I read as a child.
There was The Seven Ravens by Ariel Graham , that showed when we fall in love there is so much more to the person we see, a multitude of talents and personalities combine to present the perfect hero of one's heart.
Your wish by L.C. Spoering showed how life can present us with the one we love and even when right in front of us we can still manage to overlook the person.
The Last Duchess by Kristina Wright was a tale of cruelty to a woman and showed when fighting back one can be free and find happiness.
Those are just three of the enthralling reads from this book. Each story was filled with deep dark desires and passion exploding from the pages. If you are not a fan of erotica and prefer to keep your fairy tales wrapped in the perfect little no naughty dreams bubble this read is of course not for you. But if like myself you have ever wondered what if or what about , then this read will lead the way to giving life to all those desires and much more. Spanking, being tied up and bent beyond will, losing control, magic you name it this read had it.
I recommend this read for fans of erotic read that offer up a variety of twists and turns and has something for each kind of fantasy you might be secretively craving.
4 star review
" Princes and Princess come to life like never before"